Catholic Parish of St Gregory the Great
The Parish of St Gregory the Great consists of two churches St Gregory the Great in the town and Our Lady of Peace in Shottery.
Many churches, one purpose.
There are many different Christian churches and denominations, but all have the same basic calling - to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ and to work for the good of all people.
So they often need to work together, as well as co-ordinate the work they each do separately. When they do, they are acting as Churches Together.
But being Churches Together means more than that. It means commitment by each church and denomination to deepen its fellowship with the others and, without losing what makes each interestingly different, to work with them towards a greater visible unity.
The Parish of St Gregory the Great consists of two churches St Gregory the Great in the town and Our Lady of Peace in Shottery.
Everyone is welcome at Holy Trinity, an active parish church serving the local community where Anglican services are held daily. Each year, over 250,000 people visit the church where Shakespeare worshipped and is buried.
Oasis Community Church is built around the idea of practicing the way of Jesus, together, across the district of Stratford on Avon.
We listen to the promptings of love and truth in our hearts and trust them as the leadings of God whose light brings us to new life. We work gladly with others, knowing that all are cherished by God.
Renewal Stratford invites you to join our family friendly service 10am every Sunday. Children can enjoy fun activities in Renewal Kids during the service and refreshments are served afterwards. A warm welcome awaits!
St. Andrew's situated in Church Lane, Shottery provides both traditional and more contemporary styles of worship with a lively Choir and is open to God's word, open to the love of Jesus and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We are an outward looking, friendly and evangelical Christian church located within close proximity to the centre of Stratford-upon-Avon.
Whether you are looking for a church to be part of or just passing through, we would love to welcome you to join with us for worship on Sundays.
A branch of the national URC with Congregational roots, situated right in the centre of Stratford. We have informal services and plenty of social and fundraising events.
To avoid local people going hungry we provide emergency food to people who are referred to us. We are part of a network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
Our volunteer chaplains serve the community of Stratford-upon-Avon. The team is made up of trained and experienced volunteers from the local churches.
Bring peace to our community by caring, listening and helping.